Saturday, July 9, 2011

Point A to Point B

Slowly but surely, things are moving from point A...

To point B...

And sometimes point C...point C being our house, which I am in no way wiling to show photos of!  In spite of the fact that we're really trying not to bring much store stuff home, a little bit of it is unavoidable, and I guess because the house was already packed to the brim, just that little bit provides plenty of clutter and chaos.  But all things in due time.  We're not working with a deadline at the house.

Speaking of being packed to the brim, that store unit is just about as full as it can get.  Luckily, we have already put just about everything that's going in there in it.  It doesn't leave much wiggle room for accumulating new stuff, but I suppose if we need to we could get more creative with stacking.

With most of the stuff out of the store, and the July 15th deadline drawing closer, we are now in the process of building transformation...return everything to neutral colors, and making it suitable for the next tenant or buyer.  Although it isn't complete, the change is already pretty stark.  The difference might be worth a few photos in another post.

One the transformation is complete, leaving 118 East Main Street clean, pristine, and thoroughly bland, phase one of a multi-phase plan for the fate of Dead Man's General Store will be complete, and I'll be moving onto phase two.  A couple of months ago I was pretty prepared to skip phase two (more on phase two once it begins), but I am actually starting to develop some ideas and look forward to it. 

And for now, this is what's going on for me.  Matt and I both have been working at the store, clearing out and preparing to move on.  I've been doing the usual Tangled Woods stuff, and with the typical ups and downs, things a moving along.  We have a couple of new students, and at the end of the month I'll help a new coven get off the ground.  Things around "the land" are completely out of control, and growing faster than it can be tamed, which is typical of the summer.  And then there is the aforementioned state of the indoors.  And we are just trying to keep it all balanced.  After July 15th, it will be on to the next thing.

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